the Sheep say “Shemaaaaa”


There is a prayer that Jewish men would says daily (sometimes multiple times a day).  Jesus actually said it in the 1st Century.  It’s called the “Shema”.

(Deuteronomy 6:4-9 & Deuteronomy 11:13-21)   Click HERE to read it in Hebrew or English

I love this prayer because there is something profound about it.  We live in a world that loves to categorizes things.

You know it’s…

….inside the box or outside the box… or white.

….sacred or secular.

But this prayer says it’s all SACRED.  If you are worshiping God in a sanctuary or looking at porn behind close doors.  It’s all God’s…. the conflict lies in us forgetting that.  So this prayer is reminding us to remember that all the time.  When we sleep, when we’re awake.  When we are at home, when we are on the road.

The problem with solely believing that a church is holy ground is that it makes you believe that all the other spaces ….aren’t.  But they are.

Your car stuck in traffic while people are cutting you off….HOLY.

Your bedroom….HOLY.

Your bathroom where you drop a deuce….HOLY.

Your hard drive on your computer…. HOLY.

Don’t make the mistake of deeming a place Holy at the expense of all the places you reside.

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